Many of you may not even have been aware of the Twilio outage yesterday... but you may have experienced it without even knowing it was happening. Twilio provides much of the world's online platforms with the 2 Step Verification via SMS Text.
When you have 2 Step Verification enable, either on your gmail account, Facebook page, or even your website backend, you may have been concerned if the verification codes went into your gmail or a recovery email account because SMS Text was unavailable.
When we have a conflict in the world, such as the Russian - Ukrainian conflict, it seems more likely that we may see more hacking attempts as a result of the sanctions in place. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone, but I do want you all to be on high alert. It's definitely time to be more cautious!
If you do not have 2 Step Verification enabled on your email and social media accounts, DO IT NOW! Don't let the hackers in!
If you don't know how to add 2 Step in Gmail, see this article. Here's the instructions for Facebook.
I'm always here to help you with these types of questions. Be sure to reach out if you need a new website or a website refresh. Contact me today!
I am ready for you to reach out and get started!