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Short-Form Content Marketing for 2022

One of the hottest trends in Marketing for 2022 is Short-Form Content Marketing.

While long-form videos or blogs can offer depth and large amounts of information about your local real estate market to audiences, Marketers have learned that getting to the point with short-form videos and blogs can actually be much more effective.

It not only takes less time to create a short-form video or blog, but it also aligns more with the fast-paced attention spans of online audiences in a variety of demographics. Just look at the explosion of platforms like TikTok!

Still not convinced that short-form videos can be effective in your marketing strategy? Check out this great example of a video made from Canva images and the Wix Dashboard Video Maker that informs viewers a local real estate market update.

Creating a Short-Form Video like the one here doesn't take much time at all when using your website dashboard video maker! Go to your website dashboard and start playing with the video maker. You can add up to 15 images, design elements, sound, and text.

If you'd like to learn more about what you can do from your website dashboard, or you are considering investing in the future of your business with a new SEO optimized website, contact me today!

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